Forest Pollution and Its Affects

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Pollutiants and Wild Life


- One of the main reasons of deforestation is agricultural expansion

- Due to deforestation, many animals are losing their homes and becoming more extinct

- Deforestation also disturbes many native tribes that still live with little to no contact with the world


- Almost 85% of Wildfires are casued by humans leaving unattended camp fires

- Due to warmer and drier weather, wild fires are more likely to start naturally

- About 72,400 wildfires have cleared an average of 7 million acres of U.S. land each year since 2000

Animal Extinction

- The main reason many animals are going extinct is due to humans changing their home enviorment

- Many animals are being poached for their skin and body parts and are sold for high prices on the black market

- As a result of Global Warming, newer species replace older species as they are better fit to survive in the changing climate


- Plants are becoming poisonous and harmful to animals due to chemicals from litter

- The abundance of litter can cause animals to get stuck or suffocate

- Animals can mistake litter for food and consume it, causing them to choke or contract illnesses